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5 proven strategies to help calm anxious or angry children

5 proven strategies to help calm anxious or angry children

We’ve encountered numerous situations where children experience feelings of anxiety or anger. These emotions are natural responses to various stressors in their lives, but as adults, it's our responsibility to provide them with tools to manage these feelings effectively.
Strategies for Managing ADHD in Children

Strategies for Managing ADHD in Children

While there is no cure for ADHD, there are many strategies and interventions that can help children with ADHD manage their symptoms effectively.
How to Recognize Signs of ADHD in Children

How to Recognize Signs of ADHD in Children

Recognizing the signs of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children is crucial for early intervention and support.
Exercises to Work Fine and Gross Motor Skills During Occupational Therapy

Exercises to Work Fine and Gross Motor Skills During Occupational Therapy

Whether you are a therapist, caregiver, or individual seeking to improve motor skills yourself, these exercises are designed to engage and challenge you.
Unlocking Potential: The Power of Occupational Therapy for Children

Unlocking Potential: The Power of Occupational Therapy for Children

Occupational therapy (OT) is a dynamic, holistic approach to helping individuals of all ages achieve independence, engage in meaningful activities, and improve their quality of life.
Understanding Errorless Teaching in ABA Therapy: Maximizing Learning Potential

Understanding Errorless Teaching in ABA Therapy: Maximizing Learning Potential

In Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, various techniques facilitate skill acquisition and behaviour change. One effective technique is errorless teaching.